zondag 16 januari 2011

Concepts for Lynx character

I coloured in some free lineart, kindly provided by http://cheepers.deviantart.com . I am trying to decide what my new character should look like, but I haven't really figured it out yet. I really like design number one, but I'm not sure yet. The face markings will be different than the ones shown here though, these resemble bobcats a bit too much.. Anyway, this new character is obviously a lynx, an Eurasian lynx to be exact. It'll be an adult or adolescent male with a rather serious nature, but also with a soft side. I think he'd be a very good fighter and would probably hate to lose one. Though he'd be brave I think he'd also be rather curious,  and wanting to know everything about the world around him, and therefore be a traveler. Maybe he'd even spy on villages out of curiousity, but without showing himself of course! He'll be living in Central/Eastern Europe for most of the time, and I think I want him to be of German nationality, but I haven't completely decided on that. I haven't found a fitting name for him yet so any suggestions are welcome!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the first pattern the most and I have some names: frodo,scott,euan.
    hope they are any good.

  2. Yes I like the first one the best too :)

    As for the names: Frodo is a very popular and well-known character form Lord of the rings, so I don't think it is wise to name him that way. as for Scott and Euan, those are British names... I am actually looking for a German or East European (Polish, Austrian, along those lines) name. As he lives there I think it would be appropriate to have a name that is also from that place. But thank you anyway :)
